
Love is a Many Splendored Thing

不是推介《 生死戀 》Love is a Many Splendored Thing,而是片名讓我想起你的作品。 Scud’s Creations are simply …… A Many Splendored Thing.So rich yet untouchable by the commons. -William Tang

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Yang Ke, a Beijing Opera actor, is fatefully driven into the underworld of masculine sex workers, and becomes a class of his own. He finds himself on a roller coaster between heavenly love with both men and women, and a living hell ensnared by devious villains and hypocrites. Despite his faith, endeavor and willingness to Continue Reading

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芝加哥国际电影节颁发“艺术成就大奖,打破性别的界线,游,由一位医生的历,写更多命志。除香港,更远赴内蒙古,马来西亚,澳洲,德国及荷兰等不同国家地区取景拍摄。 What Scud once believed to be his final film, Voyage (遊) (2013) is about depression, suicide, premature death and afterlife. It’s based upon his own experience of depression, and those of his friends’, some had lost their battles of life. It was filmed entirely in English, shot in Inner Mongolia, Malaysia, Australia, Germany, Netherlands Continue Reading

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Love is life, life as it is. Not every love story is a fairy tale. After a dramatic wedding feast, unusual love stories unfold towards unexpected endings. Inspired by real life cases, the film is about love that gone bad: a brother and sister in love but caught by the mother, a married painter falls Continue Reading

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无野之城 (2008)

The actual members of the Hong Kong Baseball Team bare their souls and bodies to play themselves in this fictional youth drama. In a city where baseball culture is non-existent, these baseball players are a minority by choice. The experience teaches them to be free-thinkers in dealing with love, friendship and their own sexuality. It Continue Reading

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电影《三十儿立》412日起全泰国上映 !

配合泰国曼谷一年一度的泼水节来临,香港导演云翔的第七部电影作品《三十儿立》将在4月12日起全泰国30家影院上映,即将去曼谷庆祝泼水节的朋友,总会有一家在身边。 云翔导演于2016拍摄完成的第七部作品《三十儿立 Thirty Years of Adonis》,耻度再次升级,这次玩起了S/M、捆/绑、群/p,重口味路线,由第六部《同流合污》里的演员贺飞担任主演,g星兼男模包晗Eric East加入,以及香港老牌演员苗可秀和邵音音,甚至还包括巴西、新加坡、马来西亚的演员。 从影片里看这次依然是帅哥云集,青春荷尔蒙的盛宴。 据云翔导演透漏,这次是不同于他以往的同志片,主要是在讲性工作者,尤其是男的「性工作者」,这个特种行业一般人比较少了解,他要把台湾的「男“性工作者”」真实景况呈现出来。讲述了一个非常大时代的爱情故事。 对于电影游走在尺度边缘,云翔认为“艺术家就是要推动人们思考既有界限之外的事情”。他表示:“我的电影从来不局限于一个故事或人物的经历、出身、性倾向等细节,而是以角色作为媒介,体现电影的主题,反思生与死的根本意义。” 贺飞再拍云翔导演同性片,尺度堪比《色戒》 大家对演员贺飞可能还不熟悉,先来介绍一下这位新人:贺飞,中国内地男演员。近几年参演了不少作品,但都不是太主流的题材。2014年参演的古装剧《犀利仁师》在东方卫视播出;2015年6月参演的首部电视剧《火线英雄》播出 ;同年出演云翔导演的电影《同流合乌》。 贺飞是一个很努力的新人,他在剧中的表演也是倾情出演。尤其是在《同流合乌》中。这是一部云翔导演的同志影片,在台湾这个性观念比较开放,性意识在亚洲地区比较前卫的地方来说,台湾的艺人们可能出演这类题材的电影可能心理上的障碍不是很多大,但是作为我们还比较保守的观念,他能在剧中真实出境,真的很佩服,其尺度尤胜当年李安导演的《色戒》。 中国男神Eric East(包晗)拍G片暴红, 转战大银幕发展! 起初很多观众以为他是韩国人,其实Eric East可是中国上海人,本名Eric Bao,(包晗) 成人同性色情影片(GV)男优,人体模特,现居于美国加州洛杉矶市。26岁的同志情色片男星Eric East身材健美,在美国演出G片走红,相貌俊朗,身材颇佳,表演投入,魅力十足,广受观众的追捧和热评, 在华人同志圈小有知名度。 现在他已经「引退」,转战大银幕发展,並拍摄导演云翔的新片《三十儿立》,这次参与演出《三十儿立》,他特別跟导演要求不要拍性爱戏分,希望有別的尝试,但是他在片中仍是有三点全露的画面。他说一直把自己的身体当作一个「商品」,能成为真正的演员是他的梦想。「能做演员这一行一直是我的梦,现在终于实现梦想,感到很开心。」Eric East (包晗) 在受访中曾经如此坦白告诉,导演云翔本来是邀请老板Peter Lee演出,因为腾不出档期,机会就落到他身上。 GV男优Eric East (包晗) 个人资料: 26岁的同志情色片(G片)男星Eric East,是中国上海人,原本就读上海外国语大学法语系,在大二那年开始兼差健身模特儿工作,后前往美国洛杉矶发展,2012年4月被G片公司Peter Fever签下拍片,在美国韩裔男星Peter Lee的个人付费网站宣布出道,出道时为21岁,至今曾经拍過20多部GV。立即成为第一位从亚洲远赴美国拍摄GV(男同志色情电影)的男优,並以艺名Eric East在同志圈走紅,然后受邀拍摄台湾男体写真大师《杜达雄》的写真集。除了拍GV,也在美国充当模特儿,以下是他为摄影师 West Phillips拍的照片。网路上有人称他是「华人最励志的G片男星」。 (转载至3C娱乐,原文链接:

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Win the tickets for the Thailand Premiere of Thirty Years of Adonis!

อะดอนิส รักแรงข้ามเวลา thirty years of adonisremember this redband trailer that blazed 2 million views? For the 30-year-old Songkran Festival 2018, Zeero-S invites you to enjoy the full movie experience when the Thailand premiere happens this year! Get a chance to win 20 pairs of free VIP tickets to the event, when you order any SCUD Continue Reading

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Bare Emotion: An Interview with Scud on Voyage

By Gary M. Kramer. The mono-monikered Hong Kong writer-director-producer, Scud (born Danny Chan Wan-Cheung) has been making distinctive films for the past decade. His debut, City Without Baseball (2008), co-directed with Lawrence Lau, was based on stories of the Hong Kong baseball team, who also starred in the film. The entertaining film generated headlines for Continue Reading

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